Welcome to Strategy Training, Cadets:
Men fight wars, yes, but strategy WINS wars. I am Admiral Tannhauser, commander of the Andromeda Fleet. In my long and distinguished career, I have never known defeat. The "secret" to my success is not really so much a secret as a science. Careful planning, creative use of resources, and reliability of intelligence: these are the "secrets" to victory. My job is to teach you my science...your job is to learn it, internalize it, breathe, eat, and sleep strategy. The mind of a strategist is never at rest. You will find yourself analyzing every possible outcome of battle, evaluating your every decision before it is made, coming up with creative solutions to even the most simple of problems, or you will find yourself defeated or worse. I have zero tolerance for failure and even less tolerance for irresponsibility. If we are going to win this war, the leaders of our Fleet must be the most competent men and women in the universe. There is no room for error when the survival of our species is at stake. Prepare yourself.